Thank you for your interest and welcome to MGPS, a community based, non-profit incorporated association. We look forward to your participation in the club’s activities and sharing our mutual interest in photography. You are welcome to attend two meetings to meet people, observe the club in action and ask questions prior to signing up and paying the membership fee. Please take the time to read this information and take advantage of our friendly greeters and welcoming officers at the front desk who can answer any questions you may have. Relax and enjoy your visit with us.



You can make a direct deposit from your Bank to us for your Membership. These details are below.

Remember to leave either your MEMBERSHIP NUMBER or SURNAME (if a new member) so we know who has paid!

Account Name      Mt Gravatt Photographic Society Inc

BSB  064118

Account Number 10054613


Membership entitles you to participate in all club events, activities, club and inter-club photo competitions and access to sub-interest groups, which offer a range of learning experiences and access to expertise. It also entitles you to access to the Club Newsletter, Access to the MGPS Facebook page.

As a member you become part of a self-managed community with a passion for photography and for creating opportunities for all to grow. We do this through a spirit of sharing, participation, and involvement. As you settle in, you will identify ways in which you can contribute your special skills to the smooth running of the club.

Club Meetings

Meetings are held at 7.30 pm every 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month (except December) in St Bartholomew’s Church Hall, Corner Logan Road and Mountain Street, Mt Gravatt. For the first meeting we have a guest speaker, lecture, or practical night while the second meeting is competition night when members’ print and digital entries are displayed and judged by a Photographic Society of Queensland (PSQ) accredited judge.

Club competitions are not compulsory. Each month we have a set subject competition and an open subject competition. Members may enter one print and one digital image in each competition, a total of 4 images. More information on club competitions, including inter-club competitions is available on the website at http://www.mgps.org.au The website is constantly updated and is your primary written source of club information.

Sub-Group Meetings

MGPS supports a range of sub-groups – Beginners, Digital, Monochrome, and National/International. Members may join any or all of these. Further information is available on the website at http://www.mgps.org.au.

Other Activities

You can join in club outings and weekends away that are offered throughout the year, usually under the guidance of club experts. These activities provide opportunities to connect with other members and learn new photographic skills.

Membership application

The Application for Membership – MGPS Inc. is attached. It is also available to download from Mt Gravatt Photographic Society Web site. The club financial year is from July to June and the fee you pay the first year is dependent on which 3-month period you join up. In addition to the annual fees, we pay a small Meeting Attendance Fee of $5, or $4 if you have a concession card. This fee goes towards the cost of hall hire.

Annual Fees:

For the most recent fee structure please refer to the current Membership Application Form

Once you are a signed-up member

You will member name badge. This will be available for you to pick up at the Welcome Desk. All members are encouraged to wear name badges to meetings to make communication easier.


When you have joined you can request to be member of our Facebook page


MGPS Member Handbook - last published in 2017. The handbook is a good source of fundamental information about the club and the rules under which it operates. From time-to-time handbook amendments are circulated to members. A updated version is available on the Mt Gravatt Photographic Society web page .You will find instructions on how to submit print and digital entries to monthly club competitions in the Handbook..

Entering Club Competitions

If you wish to enter club competitions, and it is recommended that you do, you will need to submit about 10 of your JPEG images on a memory stick for assessment, which will determine your grade – B grade, AB grade or A grade.

Ask for a grading form at the front desk. Fill it in and hand it back at the front desk, along with your memory stick of images. After your images are assessed, you will receive an email advising your grading and your competition number. You will be emailed your grade and a competition number for club competitions. Keep this number in a safe place. You will need to apply it to both print and digital image submissions in monthly club competitions.

Detailed information about entering club competitions is on the website at http://www.mgps.org.au and if you are still not sure, any member will be happy to explain.

A Digital copy of your print entry and the digital image need to be uploaded to the Mt Gravatt Photographic website.

On the club competition nights an Image of the night in Prints and digital are announced The winning image is announced at the end of the evening. One of these nights it might be your name being called out as the winner! The judge chooses the digital and Print image of the night. Judges also like to receive feedback on their performance. You are invited to complete a judge’s evaluation form which is available at the desk when you sign in. The MGPS Committee provides written feedback to each competition judge

Clubs don’t run by themselves

If you can help in any way, it is greatly appreciated when you do it gives you the opportunity to get to know other members and truly become part of a great club.

Take the chance and talk to other members, they may be new or have been a member for a long time, ask for advice, they will freely give it to you or arrange someone for you to talk to.

Remember, if you put a lot into a club you will receive a lot in return.

We welcome you to Mt Gravatt Photographic Society, Information is on our Website.       

Other Sources of Information

  • The club newsletter provides a wealth of information about the club and its members.
  • The club Facebook page is interactive and informative and along with email, it is used as a vehicle to get information out to members.
  • Other members – there is lots of photographic expertise in the club and all members are more than willing to share. All you have to do is ask.


Web: http://www.mgps.org.au

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/431815370247369